» Never loose the spirit that drives you on to create things. «

printable Props - Imagination to Reality

Making things that did not exist

Let me introduce myself, I am Pascal the creative mind behind "printableprops".

I got into model making about 10 years ago when I was at school. I did a lot of work with printable 3d models out of paper also known as "papercraft". 


Over the years I started to get interested in other types of materials like wood, foam and also plastic. I also was lucky to live in the era of 3d printing which I really got into about a year ago.

That was the time I came up with "printableprops". It basically describes the type of art I am doing at the moment and I hope this blog also gives you some perspective of what kind of art I am talking about. 



Prop replicas from movies, stories or games became a big thing since I was young. A lot of people are into prop making and spend several hours of their free time to get the perfect outcome of their beloved weapon, clothing or accessory. I am one of them and am really passionate to achieve perfect goals for my projects.